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Get to know Jenny....

Jenny, the head Registered Dietitian at Wellness and Sports Dietetics, is a compassionate endurance athlete whose career focus has been on improving lifelong wellness since the beginning. Jenny has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and Human Performance, as well as two Bachelor's degrees, one in Human Nutrition Science and one in Nuclear Medicine Technology.


Jenny spent the early part of her career devoted to helping those with cardiovascular disease. She directed a state of the art, noninvasive cardiovascular stress test laboratory. After spending years helping those who already had established heart disease, she realized she could make more of a meaningful impact by helping individuals prevent and reverse chronic disease. She found the best possible way to do this was through nutrition counseling.


During this time of self-discovery, Jenny also found herself becoming increasingly passionate about endurance athletics. As a multi-time marathoner, Ironman, and triathlete, she became fascinated in the science behind sports performance. She followed this passion by obtaining multiple endurance coaching certifications and by obtaining her Master's Degree in Exercise Science. Through this experience she discovered that many athletes needed assistance in the nutrition component of training.


Jenny believes in teaching evidence based nutrition education to her clients. She believes that all foods can fit into a healthy diet. She also believes in providing nutrition counseling that will not only help meet short-term goals but also improve the client's lifelong wellness. Jenny practices a weight neutral approach to nutrition and health management.


Jenny's favorite food is sushi, although she certainly doesn't discriminate against any food type! She loves trying new foods, especially exotic and rare fruits. She also has never met a dessert she doesn't like! 


Jenny is so fortunate to be able to combine all these passions at Wellness and Sports Dietetics. She believes that everyone has the right to be healthy and happy and looks forward to serving her community.

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